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Maysara’s work is full of diversity of technique, style and color, due to her history and the changes in her lifestyle. Her signature is in the art of Arabesque and the beautiful Arabic Calligraphy painting; especially after practicing under UAE’s Royal Calligraphist Mohammed Mandi for  two years.

Founder & Artist (Puna Art)

” From The Gate of
Ishtar in Babylon,
came my love for
my ancestors invented
the wheel and glaze
and their passion
evolved in my soul
to come out in the
same forms
they have started
thousands of years

“Painting is my first love,
and to it
I owe my life.
I feel I can leave something
because I have recorded my life,
my thoughts,
my sorrows
and my delights.
It tells who I am,
who I was
and who I will become.”

is my therapy
and meditation,
that’s why its unique
and different,
as it bears
my blended identity
and emotions
that ties east and

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